The Aximum Story

“How can I make a finer watch?”

This is the question that challenged the jeweler. He loved the fine craftsmanship of European watches. However, he was not a fan of their understated charm.

He craved something just as refined, but less prudish. Something with the same reverence, but a bit more arrogance. Simply put, he wanted a luxury watch that truly lived up to the name “luxury.”

So, the ambitious jeweler, armed with his discerning eye for quality, searched for a watchmaker who could fabricate his radiant vision. He found a renowned German company with a rich history of fine watch making, and promptly asked them to reinvent the wheel.

From these not so humble beginnings, the Aximum watch was born. A watch made from the finest materials, for looks as well as function.

The world’s finest watch, hand-crafted just for you.